Lets start this one off by saying this email came from one of the three Cheer Booster presidents who quit last year because they couldn't handle it. Second let me say that I have edited it to add my answers to her questions.
Q. Aren't we going to put on the Christmas pageant again?
A. Maybe if we had known anything about it. LOL
Q.First, how much money do we have now to cover each cheerleader, and how much more is needed?
A. We have as much money as those of us who have volunteered to fund raise have been able to drag in and a lot more is needed. Which reminds me when are you planning to help out with a fund raising event?
Q.Let's try to raise enough money to take this burden off the shoulders of the parents and to cover those cheerleaders who have no parental interest in fundraising. We all know that we're going to have to pay their way. I don't know about you, but I don't want to pay for my child and then have to turn around and pay for someone else's child as well.
A. As for parents and cheerleaders who have no interest in fund raising I don't see why those of us who have been busting hump for the last several months should take on even more of a burden because they don't do anything. I personally don't plan on doubling the number of fundraisers we do just so that people who don't take part have even less to do.
Q. I would like to see the trip covered 100% for each cheerleader.
A. As for having everything paid off 100% it could be possible but it would take the effort of every parent which is clearly not going to happen. (Reference your above question)
Q. Also, last year we decided to forgo most gifts and focus on having the money for hotel, airfare, and meals. If this means that the girls don't get fancy gifts but meal money, I'd vote for the meal money any day.
A.. As for gifts, what gifts other than the senior gifts do we do? I think if my child busts her ass for four years she deserves a 50 dollar gift or two. Also why am I now having to raise money for your child to eat you feed her at home on a regular basis right?
Q. What else do we have planned for fundraising for this year and the beginning of next?
1. Attend a meeting or two and you might know.
2. Don't get your panties in a wad we haven't quit fundraising yet. In fact if you come to the meeting tonight you will learn about two or three that are in the works.
Q. Do we have enough money now for airfare? Hotel? Vans? If not, we need to start paying for these expenses as we go along. How about starting with everyone's airfare and then moving on from there?
1. We already paid the vans off and the plan is to pay things as we go along thanks so much for the input.