seem to be running in the family here lately.
In the past six months I have replaced tires, repaired windows, Cheer Diva totaled a truck, installed new brakes, windshield wipers, lights, batteries, filters, and the list just never ends. Needless to say I am relatively sick of cars right now. Of course since I am Superwoman and can tackle anything Cheer Diva decided to have another wreck!
As if the three days in bed with a migraine and car wash that resulted in blisters were not enough!!! The weekend was rounded out with a fender bender!
Anyway this one was not her fault but she may very well wind up being blamed for it. She was driving through the Kroger parking lot when a lady backed out and scraped the entire drivers side of the car. Having never had an accident where she had to handle anything Cheer Diva got the ladies name, insurance information, and type of vehicle. Unfortunately she let the other driver write everything down for her and never checked any of this herself. Lets just say we were given the wrong name, partial insurance number, and didn't get any further contact information. Our star witness gave us a phone number that is either no good or goes to a place where calls are never returned.
Cheer Diva was sure all would be fine and since no one was injured she never contacted the police. So now the other driver is claiming that Cheer Diva hit her and the insurance is refusing to pay since it is a he said she said situation. Thankfully our insurance has stepped in and taken care of everything and is fighting the other insurance company for us. Unfortunately I have contacted every person in the county with the witnesses name and had no luck. So most likely we are going to wind up paying the deductible and having our insurance raised again.
Poor thing she is barely 17 and already has three accidents under her belt. God help her when she is 18 and has to start paying her own bills!
The HOA really hates us, I think.
1 day ago