About two months ago I went home to spend some time with my parents. I was hoping for a nice fun weekend of going to the church picnic and hanging out laughing around the TV. Unfortunately since my mother lost her mind years ago she tends to drag the event down. It seems like everytime we spend more than a few minutes in a room together she wants to start discussing her mental health (or lack thereof). Honestly I just want a mother I can have coffee with and talk about my kids or my brother. I don't feel the need or want to have a therapy session with her every time we visit.
This night in particular ended with her telling me I needed to go to school to get a psychology degree so that I can better understand her. All this because I told her I had no interest in listening to her relive her childhood one painful event at a time. Last time she started that shit I found out she has a person in her head named Edgar who tells her all the negatives. Anyway I wound up going to bed early and haven't spoken with her since.
Am I wrong to value my own sanity enough that I don't want to relive her childhood horror? I know her life sucked I know she was abused mentally, physically, and sexually and I know her life was a living hell of drunken parents, guns, and beatings. Why do I need to have her walk me through every event and its effect on her life? I honestly hate her visiting because she brings everyone down with her pissy attitude and need to control. At this point I am dreading Thanksgiving because she will come down and sit, do nothing, pout, and then leave in a bad mood.
Of course I am used to all of this but my children have been shielded from the majority of her depression thanks to the military keeping us far far away. Now she has joined Facebook and all hell has broken lose. Cheer Diva is getting berated every time she posts something my mother doesn't like. It is so ridiculous that Cheer Diva deleted her from Facebook and my mother went off. That is when I put my foot down and told her to stop forcing her pain on us and driving everyone away. I am DONE!
Who the hell does my mother think she is getting on Facebook and berating my child and a friend for their teenage posts. Seriously that is my job. If I honestly dislike something that gets posted enough to have to say something about it I will. Generally I do and I don't hold back. I let Cheer Diva know all the time when I feel she has crossed the line and what I want done about it.But I also remember that she is sixteen and clueless about things. When I know she posted something stupid not even thinking about it and without evil intent I don't fuss. I always make her remove posts I find inapropriate and I make damn sure she knows why.
I sent her an email saying as much and she replied with: As usual it's all about what I have done wrong. If you want an apology here it is I'm sorry I ever existed.
Seriously does that sound adult to you? I told her to grow up and call me when she was ready to act like my mother.
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
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