Daddy D deployed to a foreign country in April and he won't be back home for a while. I really miss him :(
Back when we moved to Kentucky Daddy D mentioned he would be deploying in the near future. We made it a little over a year and then our time had come. Even after months of preparation the day you let them go hits you like a wall. Your breaths come harder than normal and there is an immense feeling of weight and loss that you have to learn to handle. You know they will be back and that this is only temporary but somehow all that rationalization does not take away the feelings. It takes about a week for the feelings to start hitting hard but a week after that you buckle down and hit the ground running.
I forget when he is home for a while how much I depend on him. He does so many little things around the house and he listens to me when I need to vent. All of this allows me a little down time and some much needed stress relief. He is a wonderful man and while I do not take that for granted I sometimes forget just how much he compliments me.
Anyway I have been a lot stressed with all the household repairs, totaled trucks, and general "man duties" that I have been taking care of here lately. Add hormonal teenage daughters to the mix and momma is a little more than stressed out. Right now I don't have my online friends to talk to and I only have short moments on the phone with Daddy D which is also making this exponentially worse. I am tired, irritable, and down right lonely. I refuse to complain because I know that there are so many women out there who have sooooooo much more going on in their lives. I am blessed. I have a husband who loves me and children who are good kids, I really have no right to complain.
Daddy D is stuck in a room with 3 other men and working 14 hour days 6 days a week. Day 7 he only works 8 to 10 hours. He has so much more stress and he is in an infinitely worse place than I am yet he rarely complains. He never asks for anything and I have to ask him every time we talk if there is anything I can ship him. Even when he does give me items to purchase for him they are small and generally consist of snacks he can't get where he is.
I have never been so proud of my husband! He supports me and my daughters without ever complaining and he works a job that most people couldn't handle. Top that off with serving his country and I don't think there is anyone who would say he isn't a hero. Maybe not the kind of hero that will be on the news but the kind of hero who makes everyone around him a better person. I would buy him a cape but he would say I was wasting my money! LOL
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
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