Well this weekend I got my first view of the real world of CHEER LEADING!!!! Let me tell you it aint always pretty. LOL
I saw some stuff that made me cringe. I can't believe some of these Gym teams that come and have tiny little girls being thrown around by teenage boys. Seriously there is something wrong with having a 9 year old kid 7 foot up in the air while twisting herself into pretzel shapes. It is just wrong people. The highschools were atleast a little better considering all participants have to be 8th grade or above.
It was finally confirmed that our team is officially not up to par with the other teams in the area. I had a sneaking suspicion that we didn't have all the skills they had and we would look like the backwoods hillbilly neighbors they all pretend dont exist. Lets just say that the middle school teams that did exhibition routines that were better than ours.
So now I have a dilema I really feel strongly that we should spend our time and money on helping our girls step up their level of competition. Maybe up the number of practices and have some more proffessionals to come in and help them learn some more skills. If we don't do that then we can expect nothing but more of what happened this weekend. My problem is that if I fight for this there are alot of people who don't want to worry about it or deal with it at all. They are fine with where we are and how we are doing. The problem is you have a bunch of parents making the decisions based off of them not wanting to put in any more effort. The kids are paying the price for their laziness. What I want to know is what do these kids want? Is it more important to them that we get a fun trip every year or that they are able to compete in competitions and for scholarships to college.
I vote for spending next years 15,000 dollars on improving the kids not the profits of the people holding the competition.
PS the girls did their routine very well and I am so proud of my daughter!
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
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