A friend of mine, who we shall call Red, has been talking about Dave Ramsey for years and I finally decided what the heck I should buy a book or something. Anyway I started reading Financial Peace Revisited last night and am almost half way done with it already. A lot of what I have read so far in this particular book doesn't apply to me because it describes in detail the humiliation of having creditors hounding you, impending foreclosures, and massive credit card debt. Thank goodness Daddy D and I have taken care of our finances well enough to not be in that situation. The Army also helped us with that about 3 years ago when we were lucky enough to get our first ever military bonus. What we have left is paltry to what many people have but I am spoiled so I decided my finances should be spoiled as well. I want my finances and I to be all "ooshy gooshy" when we see each other!!
Seriously I want no debt other than cars, homes, and monthly utilities. While I hope some day to be able to get it down to only monthly utilities I am realistic enough to know that wont be happening anytime soon. The military makes that pretty difficult. My other goal is to establish and maintain a savings account. This is something we have never successfully done. It always seems like someone out there, like Peppermint Patty, my MIL, or my children always have some major expense or drama that requires the use of
So starting tonight Daddy D and I sit down to start rolling our new debt snowball around. This shouldn't be super difficult because most of our bills are all in one location. Thank goodness we only have one bank and two active credit cards that are through that bank. Unfortunately my car and our mortgage are through another entity so I will have to go to THREE whole websites to get answers. Man I feel good about that! I have worked so hard to keep myself from spending money on things I want when in reality I don't need them and it is finally paying off.
All I have to do now is take that final step and cut the credit card umbilical cord! Thank goodness I have less than $5000 in credit card debt so this shouldn't take exceptionally long.
Cross your fingers people I am moving into uncharted territory.
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