Well I haven't been around here for a bit due to all the fun stuff going on around here. Little things like moving walls and starting a new job seem to throw me out of my comfort zone. LOL My brain has become mush trying to learn all this stuff at work and I spend all day staring at a computer so I don't really feel the need to come home and stare at one for another hour or two. Daddy D says I have to look at it a tleast twice a month and pay our bills online but so far they haven't evicted us so I think he is just joking. RIGHT?
Anyway work is going well so far, training ends tomorrow and Sunday I may get my first case to work on. I am certainly not hoping for one considering I have a few things I want to practice before I get thrown into the lions den. Plus when you work in casualty assistance you never want to hope for a new case. So far I am really liking the people I work with and I am learning to adjust to their quirky sense of humor. Honestly this is the first time in over a year I have felt engaged at work.
So of course this normalcy can not last and things must change. LOL I have been trying for several years to get a civil service position with the military and have had absolutely no luck. Well today, the day before I finally finish training at my new job, I get a call asking me if I want a position I applied for months ago. Someone up there really has a sense of humor right! It is a slight pay cut but it would get me into the civil service and I could stop having to start over with a new company every time we move. Occasionally civil service employees move and there is no position available right then but once one opens up they are given priority to get it. Right now I have to change companies every time I move and start over with leave, benefits, and seniority which is a real pain in the ass.
Now I don't know what to do. I really want a civil service job, they have better benefits, more opportunity for promotion, and permanent positions. My current contract position expires in June 2011 and I have no guarantee that it will be renewed, sometimes the contract gets renewed with a different company and I have to either change companies or pray my current company can move me elsewhere. Due to the recent issues I had with my last company not having a job for me I am sort of scared that something similar could happen in a year. I am also scared I will move to the new job and work with a bunch of assholes or hate it. Last but not least I feel like a real bitch for wasting my current companies time and energy getting me trained only to wind up quitting after a month.
Anyway I have until the 23rd to make a decision so wish me luck:)
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
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