OK so remember the lady who was helping me make bows? No well here you go. She is a lovely woman but she drives me stark raving mad with all her energy and mess. I have done everything I can think of to calm her down a bit and give her simple tasks that she can handle without issue. The idea was since she is new and unfamiliar with the other projects I would let her do some basic things and learn about the other things as she goes. This way next year she will be good to go and be able to handle larger things.
UMMMMM NNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I just don't see the previous plan working out! So far she has been tasked to handle two car washes and a small concession area. The plan was keep it simple but add to the items they had last year so we could make some good money. At this point she has convinced one of the businesses to buy a popcorn machine that they really wanted all along. REALLY? She promises me. LOL Then she has contacted the school board, principal, band director, and god knows who else in regards to the rental of a concession truck. Which I might add was supposed to be rented by the business wanting us to do the concessions. Apparently since cheer is not considered a sport we can rent the concession truck from the school at an inflated cost compared to what other sports pay. She thinks this is too high and is contacting them to attend a school board meeting and fight for the rights of cheerleaders to be treated like a sport.
For once in my life I had no idea what to say........Seriously you took it upon yourself to contact the school board about the price of a concession truck rental. Don't you think maybe you should have let me know since I am the President of the club or Hey here's a thought let the Cheer Coaches know and have them work with the schools they are employed by. It is bad enough that we get treated like red headed step children now I have a crazy lady running around making us look like an idiot!
I think I am going to take a page from Eat, Pray, Love and in honor of Groceries I am going to call her Concessions from now on.
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
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