You know what I really don't appreciate being called out in front of everyone for talking to a coworker longer than the boss man wanted. Of course if he would come out of his cubicle he would know I was working at the same time!
Plus what the hell difference does it make we have no work to do. I had one thing to do for the whole day and I was done with it by 930AM. WOW that took me a whole hour! Just because his best buddy takes all day to get stuff done doesn't mean that I do. I got here at 8AM and started working around 830AM after getting logged in to the system and chatting with my coworker. Now normally I would never talk that long to a coworker but considering I have been here for 2 months and never have more than 2 hours of work to do in a day what the hell else am I supposed to do. She has no work either, the whole time we were chatting she was online looking at baby clothes and cribs. Hell she has yet to do anything work related otherthan send an email all day.
I know the stats say that I do more work than any of them and I really don't appreciate it at all. I dont spend my days online IM'ing people like his best buddy does. OOOPS thats right he doesn't know that his best buddy is a moron who IM's people all day long and cant do his job. Maybe because he doesn't come out of his cubicle to see it unless he is heading for a smoke break.
Is it better if I Google porn? I mean then atleast I would be quiet right?
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
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