OK so for those of you who haven't been around for a while or who just forgot I have a magnificent huge car named Cheyenne.
She is a thing of beauty and when I can keep everyone else out of her she is clean and beautiful. Yes I love her like a man loves his muscle car and no I don't care what anyone thinks about it. She is MINE!!!
In my previous post I mentioned how Cheyenne appears to be slightly cursed. Well today it was confirmed! Once again a tiny car decided to play chicken with us and lost. That poor little Mustang just sat there stunned and limping while we pulled off the road into a parking lot. The Mustang owners were not nice and were very rude but a witness pulled over and told the police that Cheyenne was a good girl and the bag Mustang had run a red light. Little punk car was probably trying to show off its muscle and finally ran up against something bigger.
Oh well back to the car dealership and hopefully this time they wont mess up all the electrical crap when they unhook the battery. I sure hope that this doesn't keep happening though it is beginning to get a bit scary.
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
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