Well I took the bait again. HOOK LINE and SINKER! LAX Diva dragged me back to the DR today for a migraine that just wouldnt quit. I wasted all morning and what was left of my chance in hell of passing this Accounting test I have tonight to find out my daughter is a FAKER! No they didnt call her out I am......how can you have a migraine and we playing with the radio station in the car? How can you have a migraine and be able to joke around? How can you have a migraine that makes you sensitive to light and not wear sunglasses the whole time?
Honestly I dont know because when I have them I just want to crawl in a hole and die.
They gave her a shot of Toradol and sent her on her way with some Maxalt to treat any future migraines. She hates shots so I am guessing she was in some pain because she actually voted for it instead of something that would take a little longer. I just dont think she actually had a migraine or even knows what one is. Now she thinks she is going to her lacrosse game this afternoon and it is not going to happen.
So I fell for it again, but I am catching on to her new game. LOL
Lets see how she deals with tonight when Daddy D see's her report card. I told him he is in charge of dealing with this one.
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
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