LAX Diva is driving me nuts tonight. She came home in a bad mood and is taking it out on everyone around her. God I hate when she is like this. She gets in her head that she is pissed and nothing is going to go well until she is in a better mood.
Lately I have been giving her the silent treatment and only speaking to her when I have to. When I do speak to her I have been keeping it as simple as possible and saying as little as possible. Basically she has been getting one or two word answers from me for about two weeks now. I am not trying to punish her I am just trying to stop all the fighting. By not playing her games and arguing with her I have been able to not have a fight with her for the whole two weeks. I have been making Daddy D handle all the issues since he is generally much calmer that I am.
Well tonight I had decided I needed to talk with her about her grades and her lack of effort with pretty much everything. I kept my calm but I made it clear I was disappointed with her efforts and let her know that if she continued on this way she would have to work a lot harder to get what she wants out of life. Well guess what! my kid doesn't want anything out of life. She is perfectly happy being a B,C,D student and has no goals to achieve anything out of life. She apparently will be happy working at McDonald's and struggling until she dies. She said "I will just have to live in a crappy house and my kids just wont have all the things they want."
So being the wonderful parent that I am I told her that as long as she keeps her grades A,B,C's and shows us respect then I will stay out of her way. She can do it however she wants and I am going to back off as long as the respect is given to us and the grades don't drop below a C. Once the respect becomes an issue and the grades drop then she will have to deal with me. I told her I felt Daddy D took it easy on her when he gave her the punishment for bringing home a D and that had I been the one making the decision her punishment would have been harsher. She took her attitude and went to bed.
Let's see what tomorrow brings.
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
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