Since I am new to blogging and you guys dont know who the hell I am I thought I would give you a little background information to help us get to know one another. I was born and raised in Kentucky and am proud to call myself a redneck, hillbilly, true blue Wildcat fan. Yes that does mean I dont cheer for Louisville even though they are technically a Kentucky college. Now to be honest I am not a huge sports fan for anything other than UK basketball and occasionally football and I dont know the names, averages, and technical information on every player. But I do know my team is in UK blue and white and I will cheer my heart out for them to win.
I suffer from depression and am fat but other than that I dont have much going on. Right now I am in the process of getting bariatric surgery so that I can finally move past the FAT part of life and get headed into a healthier lifestyle. As for the depression it isnt life threatening and I have been seeking therapy for a few years to help me deal with my issues. Mostly I just worry I am going to turn into my mother and I need a unbiased third party to tell me I am not crazy on occasion. I am somewhat artistic but dont have any hobbies other than gardening which I have to admit I am semi shitty at but hey I try right! I get points for that dont I? LOL
My parents have been married for 35 years and I have a younger brother who lives in New York City (yep you have to say it just like they do in the PACE Picante commercials). Of course we are the typical southern family and we all talk to much (except mom-more on that later) but I guess you could say in typical southern style family drama has caused some pretty big rifts that have never quite healed. Us southerners have a good memory for holding grudges with. My father owns a small family business he runs with one of my aunts and that when I was little I hoped to run one day. Now I am not so sure about moving back to a small town to run it but I still love the idea. My fathers family was large but due to some malfunctions became much smaller a few years back. Now I basically only have a nice aunt who I dont know well and a aunt I used to spend alot of time with who has become very bitter and resentful. My mothers family on the other hand decided to cut ties with us about 25 years ago and has only started coming back into my life in the last two years or so. My mother has been speaking with them for a long time but honestly I think once they abandoned me because of bullshit I didnt have much interest in getting back together. I mean honestly I was a grown married adult by the time they actually started having any type of family events with us and I didnt miss them by that point. Makes for some lovely family gatherings.
My mom on the other hand is her own ball of fun. She is bipolar schizophrenic and has had a gastric bypass. Lets just say she is paranoid about everything and has major mood swings so she doesnt have much to say most of the time and then when she does it is all twisted and dramatic. I describe living/loving her as walking on eggshells. Top it all off with the fact that she had a gastric bypass but doesnt follow any of the rules that go along with that and she spends the rest of her life laying around sick to her stomach. I will backtrack a bit and tell you that growing up she was a wonderful mom. She took us places, went shopping, talked to us, and even threw in the occasional fun event. She was always there for our activities and while she worked she made it to every parenting event possible. Of course we fought, that was moms and daughters do during the teen years but we never ever hated each other. Then her mental health got bad and all the treatments/pills/therapy turned her into a different person. She no longer likes anything she used to like, eats things she used to eat, or enjoys well pretty much anything. Needless to say we dont talk much but I still love her and I know she didnt do any of this on purpose I just wish she would get some willpower and work on getting past it.
My father is the ever patient bill paying member of that household and yes he deserves an award for insanity for putting up with it all. I dont think anyone would have blamed him if he had run far far away and never come back after the first suicide attempt my mother made but he didnt and I am pretty sure he is in for the long haul at this point. He is a talkative, funny, and downright wonderful person to be around but he is southern and stubborn about things like politics, religion, and race. I have learned to just turn my opinion off when it comes to things like Obama and mixed race dating. LOL I just sounded so old fashioned there didnt I.
Now on to important stuff....
I have been married to Daddy D for 11 years now and he is a wonderful man. He puts up with my insanity and even manages to keep me from totally losing it on occasion. Daddy D is in the military and therefore we move quite a bit which is something I love. I think it is cool to have the option to move every 3 years or so and start over even though so far I have only moved from KY to VA back to KY and then back to VA. My world tour is sorely lacking at this point but I am working really hard to make sure we get a third state in there before the end of 2010.
LAX Diva is 14 almost 15 now and while she may drive me crazy I love her dearly. She has never met her father (his choice) and she knows that Daddy D adopted her. We have always been open with her about her father not being here and I am supporting her fully when the time comes for her to reach out. She tends to be angry all the time which is probably why I feel the need to blog here and not just scream at her all the time. LAX Diva is lazy and doesnt put much effort into anything unless it is harassing me about some outfit or haircut she wants. She is smart but makes mediocre to bad grades because it takes too much time to do homework or study. Fortunately for her most things come naturally so she doesnt have to put in much effort to get by. I have tried to push her to do better but nothing I do seems to work and most things are a total failure (I will never be forgiven for pulling her off the cheer team because of her grades). One of these days she will wake up and realize that life will not just come to her and maybe then she will put some effort into it. I can only pray.
Bug is 10 and growing into a diva as I type. Lord she is a whiny child. I cant say I shouldnt have expected this because she has been different forever. Pregnancy was awful, labor was awful, delivery was awful, and the first few weeks were a living nightmare. And before you ask no there was nothing wrong with her or me medically it was just everything was difficult and therefore misserable. Then came everything after that and most of it was awful. LOL The child just has a way of beating you down until you just give in and find a way to work around the issue. Now that she is getting older she is required to take on some responsibility and she HATES that. She honestly thinks the world should just adjust to her way of thinking and get out of her way come hell or high water. So you ask, what is her saving grace, you know the thing that has kept me from losing it and killing her in her sleep? She is the sweetest most kind child you will ever meet, and she is cute if I must say so myself. She is the little girl who hugs you and tells you she loves you when you are sick and too tired to make her PB&J sandwich. She is the kid who brings you flowers home from school and kisses the dogs smack on the lips when they are behaving. SHE IS FREAKING CUTE I TELL YOU! Plus she can tell you a story that will make you roll laughing. I wish she wasnt so shy in front of large groups because she would make one hell of an actor or comedian.
Anyway that is enough to get you started.
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
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