As you all know I have been working on getting bariatric surgery for a few months now. Being uber anal retentive I had my Primary Care Physician put in referals for all the tests and appointments I needed so that I could get started before I actually attended the information session the surgeon gives. I got started on them right away and managed to get almost all of the appointments scheduled by the 15th of June. This was not an easy feat!!! It is slighlty (AHEM) difficult to maneuver your way through the military medical system so I had to be extremeley persistant and stay on them to get it done. Once I got all the appointments scheduled I was terrified something iwas going to go wrong and of course it did.
Right about the time I saw a light at the end of the tunnel I got a message saying I had to have one more appointment. I pulled up my big girl britches and decided not to scream about it. LOL So I called and tried to make the appointment and there was no record of it. After a week of unsuccessful attempts (see I was patient) at scheduling I called the doctor and had her re-enter the referral. I called the appointment line again and there were no appointments available so I was given a referral to an outside provider (civilian clinic). Getting that takes about 72 hours so I waited and called them on Friday. They have no record of it! I called back to the appointment line to check and see if it was actually sent out, well guess what they sent it out but it was un-sent (there word not mine) a few hours later. I get to start all over again! ARGH!
I am not going to complain too loudly though because I also just found out that the Sleep Apnea exam I thought I was having tonight is actually only the initial appointment so I will have to go back for the actual exam at a later date. Why don't peope explain anything? I mean honestly if I had someone call me to make an initial appointment I think I would tell them what to expect.
For those of you who can tell I am rushing this a bit and being slightly impatient please don't yell too loud. I am moving to another state in two and a half weeks so I am really trying to get all the appointments done. Hopefully if I get them all done they will do the surgery here and then I won't have to start over at a new clinic. These clinics are so picky I would probably have to do all this crap over again!!!
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
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