Last night we had the end of season pool party for Bug's lacrosse team. They had a semi disapointing season so I really wanted it to be fun but since we are moving I didn't have a ton of extra money to make that happen. I really felt bad I wasn't able to do more for them but I decided I was going to let it go and just pray everyone else did their part. Guess what? For once I didn't go overboard on all the planning and everything worked out perfectly. Now I am not going to admit that to Daddy D or he will just say I told you so and rub it in forever. LOL
Anyway here is the lowdown or down low or whatever people call it these days. Rachel the best lacrosse mom in the world hooked me up with a great pool and provided all the meat and buns for the cookout. SHE ROCKS! Wimpy Ass showed up and pulled off a great craft idea for the girls so I may have to rename her something nice from now on. She had a t-shirt for each of the girls to sign and take home with them and of course they loved it. I brought balloons and a cake with the team photo on it and the girls delighted in trying to eat each others head off the pictures. LOL Top that off with all the parents actually bringing what they said they would and we had a great time. LAX Diva even had a decent time!
So instead of just counting this event a success and not learning from it I am taking stock and trying to be a little less anal about it all. I let Daddy D take Bug to a birthday party this morning and didn't even stress that she took a card with $30 in it!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah I know stupid but that is the kind of thing I would normally freak out about. I mean honestly how lazy are we that we couldn't even get a gift together. Normally I try to clean house on Saturday mornings but since we are getting ready to move I have a cleaning team coming Monday and I decided to just let it slide.
This whole new attitude may just start growing on me!
Just don’t be a dick
5 days ago
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